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BPS Topic Resources: Insects and Arachnids

Topic resources for units studied in Years 3 to 6 of the British Section.

Holding a Wild Goliath Tarantula | Deadly 60 | Earth Unplugged

The Raft Spider is the Perfect Underwater Predator | Deadly 60 | Earth Unplugged

Stag Beetle Throws Girlfriend Out Of Tree | Life | BBC Earth

Terrifying Scutigera Encounter in Caves | Deadly 60 | Earth Unplugged

World's Biggest Ant! | Bullet Ant | Deadly 60 | BBC Earth

Lethal encounter with killer centipede | Deadly 60 | BBC

Bombardier Beetle Sprays Acid From Its Rear | Life | BBC Earth

Capturing the Tarantula-eating Wasp | Deadly 60 | Earth Unplugged

African Killer Bee Hive | Deadly 60 | BBC Earth

Extremely Venomous Wandering Spider Walking on Steve! | Deadly 60 | Earth Unplugged