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English Resources: PressReader

NEW eMagazine platform

Press Reader offers its readers thousands of newspapers and magazines in over 50 languages around the world. Titles that may be of your interest include The Guardian, BBC Music, BBC History, Time Education Supplement, Liberation, Le Figaro, Der Tagesspiegel, Kruschel Post, Bunte, 天下, 遠見 and many more!

 How to access Press Reader

>If you are using a desktop, please go to

>If you are using a device, please download the app iOS / Android / Amazon

TES readers are granted access to Press Reader via IP authentication. Therefore you can access Press Reader via any desktop on campus or devices that are connected to the school wifi. 

For off-campus access, you need to create an account through an authorized device at school. Press Reader will grant two-weeks access to that personal account. If the account is expired, you just need to login to Press Reader at school again to reactivate your account.

Another way to reactivate your account when you don't come into school for longer than two weeks, i.e. during summer vacation, is to use your school email. Please follow the steps below:

1) Go to Press Reader's website and log in with your credentials,  
2) Click "Manage" on the right-hand side of "Library or Group" under "My Account"
3) Click on "Resend Verification Link" and confirm the verification link that has been sent to your email address.

Features you wouldn't want to miss


PressReader now offers the option to use your own device's speech engine to read articles out loud. Just open the app, download your favorite newspaper or magazine, and enable Text-to-Speech. When you tap Listen to start your session, you'll be able to use the arrows to skip ahead in the issue, or back to the previous article at any time. The radio mode in PressReader will instantly acquire all of the audio preferences from your device. It will use the voice you've chosen, and the speech speed that you've previously selected. The stories will be read in this way until you change your Text-to-Speech (TTS) settings. (from PressReader website)

Oliver and Sections